Can I use ClearFax if I don't have fax software
of my own?

You must have a fax software program
e.g. Microsoft Fax, WinFax Pro®. FaxRush®, BroadFax®,
HotFax® to run ClearFax. |

Can I use ClearFax to print any type of graphics,
photos, brochure layouts, catalogs with pictures and

Yes, ClearFax is designed to produce laser-quality
output specifically for fax machines especially the
old thermal paper types. This older type fax machine
still represents 75% of all fax machines.

Is ClearFax compatible with other software programs
i.e. graphics, spreadsheets, word processing programs

Yes, you can print from any application i.e. Quark®,
PhotoShop®, PageMaker®, FreeHand®, Illustrator®, Corel®,
MS Word® etc. to any fax software i.e. WinFax®, Microsoft
Fax®, FaxRush®, BroadFax®, HotFax®.

Will my faxes send faster?

Transmission time savings can vary, from a little
to a savings of twice as fast, depending on the size
of the image being transmitted.

Does the party I'm sending a fax to require ClearFax
as well in order to receive a photo-like fax?

Only the sender needs ClearFax to transmit high
resolution faxes to anyone with a fax machine or fax
modem in their computer.

Can I use ClearFax to fax documents that contain
color images or graphics?

Yes. ClearFax will convert all images.

Do I need to convert my images to black and white
before sending them with ClearFax?

No, you can send images of any color, depth, or
complexity with ClearFax and they will look great.

Can ClearFax enhance a fax sent to me from someone
that doesn't have ClearFax?

Once a fax has been transmitted ClearFax can't
convert it again.

Isn't the curly paper thermal fax machine obsolete?

According to the fax paper industry, over 300 billion
lineal feet of thermal paper was sold last year. Estimates
for this year are in excess of half a trillion lineal
feet. Thermal fax machines still represent 70% of
the ever-increasing worldwide facsimile market.

How much memory does my computer need to run ClearFax

You should have windows 95 or 98, with a minimum
of 16 megabytes of ram. The actual software only requires
half megabyte of hard disc space.