Ultimate TELEPHONE, VOICE MAIL, FAX, EMAIL software for Windows and Windows XP |
- Turns your PC into an intelligent personal assistant, takes voice and fax messages, notifies you of urgent calls by pager or cell phone, keeps detailed call log, lets you check email by phone, and much more... |
- Features all SmartFax 2002 functions including Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express integration. |
Ultimate TELEPHONE, VOICE MAIL, FAX, EMAIL software for Windows and Windows XP |
- Turns your PC into an intelligent personal assistant, takes voice and fax messages, notifies you of urgent calls by pager or cell phone, keeps detailed call log, lets you check email by phone, and much more... |
- Convert faxes to plain text, RTF (Word), HTML, Excel, PDF, DBF files using advanced (OCR) Optical Character Recognition technology. |